Sound travels 10 times faster in water than through air & hence we are Beings of water (75%) therefore the vibration frequency in our brain communicates or ripples to the rest of the organs in harmony, unblocking ‘memory-locks’ deep into the cellular energy which can manifest as physical, emotional or mental disease. Link to this … Continue reading SOUL VIBRATIONS VS SINGING BOWL


Study Finds Energy Healing, does carry an impact on our Consciousness With astonishing results Our consciousness can and does have an effect on our physical material world. This is proof that we live in a very spiritual world that has yet to be properly acknowledged..... Continue reading

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Healing Technique of Pellowah

Some may question the difference between the universal Energy of Reiki verses Pellowah Healing Technique, whilst Pellowah works on consciousness Reiki works internally on your granular & endocrine system. Pellowah angelic shifts works exterior and Reiki energy works within our body to unblock and healing of the organs, hormones, bones and the entire body allowing … Continue reading Healing Technique of Pellowah